By Leeann Simons
I was visiting a good friend the other day-we've known each other for years. Our sons went to elementary school together. I remember a time when the boys weren't talking to each other-we were so upset! If we could be friends, what was their problem?
She’s been so good to me, and we’ve talked on many occasions about health, nutrition and exercise. Being a nutritionist, I’m a big talker in these areas, and as a teacher (I teach nutrition to business students), I want to make sure everyone agrees with me.
After offering all my sage wisdom on how to increase activity (you know, start with something you like, anything...just do it)-she looked at me and said "but there is nothing that interests me. How can you help a person like me?"
My first reaction was "absolutely nothing, I’m afraid," figuring she was simply doomed to be inflexible (literally and figuratively), having high blood pressure and hoping she had paid up her life insurance.
But then I began to think about this conundrum. After all, she’s not the only person out there who can’t figure out what do to for activity. She’s not the only one who is bombarded with information (including mine) about the health benefits of exercise and being active. And by no stretch of the imagination (which may be the only stretching she does right now) is she the only one who feels guilty and angry at being made to feel like she is doomed to die young. My friend doesn’t smoke, she tries to eat well, she has the occasional drink. She is a wonderful friend who listens and has helped me out tremendously in the past-and she deserves to have my attention and not be written off as someone who has ""chosen" to be unhealthy.
The question then, is "what can I do for folks like her?The truth is, if she does want to increase her exercise, she's already begun (by asking HOW)-and this is wonderful. However, she is just not interested in any activity that seems to be "in"-fitness classes, walking, biking.
What she needs to do, I decided, is work on her attitude. If deciding that "just do it" isn’t for her, then she needs to think more seriously about what type of changes she is willing to make to find an activity to do. If we can’t get her started physically, we have to get started mentally. The question is-how?
While I may teach to business students, I have learned a bit about business from them. One topic I've begun to start using is the "cost/benefit analysis"." The concept is to first figure out the cost of a behavior, then compare it to the benefit out that behavior. If the benefit outweighs the cost, then you’ve made a good decision. . Perhaps I should talk to my friend about this. Maybe I could talk about the cost of walking (putting on her sneakers, dragging herself out of the house, walking to the end of the block and back) versus the benefit of walking (getting outside in the fresh air, stretching some muscles, finding out that 5 minutes isn’t really a long time and maybe walking longer next time). This is pretty "user friendly" information-and maybe then she would be able to take that first step-literally. It wouldn't make sense to discuss the long term benefits (weight loss, chronic disease risk reduction)-she already knows this; why make her feel even more guilty.
I think I’ll try that. Hopefully it will work for her. Will it work for you?
If you would like more information on becoming At Peace With Food™, as well as access to interesting articles and links to nutritional resource websites, visit
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Wednesday, January 30, 2008
What Do You Do When You Just Can't Start Exercising
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10:30 AM
Labels: Ways to Improve Health
Myths about Abdominals You Should Know
By David Grisaffi
Developing a great set of six-pack abs is really quite simple once you understand the how to firm and flatten your abs with this information, which includes two important components:
1. A workout program consisting of carefully selected, biomechanically correct abdominal exercises, and
2. A nutrition program that optimizes fat loss and maintenance or growth of lean muscle tissue.
As simple as this sounds, I'll be the first to admit that ab training can be an extremely confusing subject at first because there is so much conflicting information on the subject.
Opinions Are Just That! Opinions
Countless opinions, rumors, and theories about ab training are continually being circulated by an endless parade of "experts" including doctors, personal trainers, infomercial gurus, and even friends, teachers, and parents. Some information is valid, but most of it isn't. It's hard to sort through it all, let alone know what to believe. Abdominal mythology abounds, and some myths never seem to die.
To help you cut through the myths and lies and lead you straight to the truth that will help you develop the type of body that you'll be proud to show off the next time you hit the beach.
Before we discuss the anatomy and physiology of the abdominal muscles or the actual training routines, the first thing to do is clear your mind of the myths, lies, and misconceptions that have been polluting your brain as a result of gym folklore, false advertising, and bad advice from self-proclaimed experts.
More bad information is published and told about ab training than any other health and fitness subject, and I've boiled it down to 14 myths that are particularly damaging and pervasive. I will explain 3 of them in this article.
Let's put them to rest permanently, shall we?
MYTH #1: If you train abs every day, you're guaranteed a six-pack. One of the most common abdominal myths is that training your abdominals every day is the best way to get a small waistline and develop the six-pack look in your stomach. This misconception was probably funneled through the bodybuilding world, because so many bodybuilders train their abs daily prior to competitions. Despite the fact that bodybuilders appear on stage with incredibly ripped abs, their abs come from their diet, not just their daily ab workouts.
Daily training is not only a waste of time, it's an approach that won't work for the average person who doesn't use performance-enhancing substances or have a naturally high recovery capacity.
There are two reasons that daily abdominal training is unnecessary and does not guarantee you a six-pack.
First, the muscle tissue of your abs is virtually the same as the muscle tissue in the rest of your body. Abdominal muscles cannot become stronger and more developed without time to rest and recover after each workout, just like any other muscle group such as your biceps or chest. You wouldn't do 100 barbell curls every day to "see your biceps" or 100 bench presses every day to "see your pecs," so why do the same for your abs?
Second, even if you could achieve excellent muscular development in the abs with daily training, you won't be able to see your abs if they're covered with a layer of fat. Daily abdominal training does not burn the fat off your midsection! Fat is lost by creating a calorie deficit through your diet. Build the muscle tissue with exercise; burn the fat with diet.
During the initial phase of the Firm and Flatten Your Abs program (Level 1), I recommend that you perform exercises daily for the first two to three weeks. However, these Level 1 exercises are very basic movements using only your body weight, and they are designed to prepare, strengthen, and neurologically program your body for the more advanced exercises to follow.
For the long term, you can get fantastic results training your abs every other day (about four days a week), and once they're developed, you can maintain your abs with even less frequent training.
MYTH #2: You can eat pizza and hamburgers and still maintain a six-pack as long as you work out right after you eat them. The truth is that developing your abs is achieved through exercise, but seeing your abs is more a function your diet than any other factor. You could have a great set of abs completely covered with fat. The secret to uncovering the abdominal muscles is nutrition.
Theoretically, you could lose the fat covering your abs while eating whatever you wanted, as long as you still had a caloric deficit. However, eating calorie-dense junk food makes it much harder to maintain the caloric deficit you need to burn body fat. Furthermore, eating fast food and other nutritionally-void junk as regular daily staples in your diet will eventually exact a serious toll on your health.
You simply cannot expect exercise to cancel out poor eating habits. It takes proper exercise and nutrition to get optimal results. Go into your local fast food restaurant and look around. How many people do you see that have an envious abdominal region? Chances are, you won't see any!
MYTH #3: Sit-ups develop the abdominal muscles best. It's ironic, but the sit-up, which is the most popular exercise in the world for the abdominals, might be the absolute worst exercise and could even be dangerous for some people under some circumstances.
What most people don't realize is that the sit-up is not a true abdominal exercise. During a sit-up, your main trunk flexor, the iliopsoas muscle, often does the majority of the work while the abs are not optimally recruited.
Because the iliopsoas muscle originates on the lower back, the sit-up literally pulls on the lower back with every repetition, especially if your feet are held down or anchored, or the repetitions are performed quickly in a jerky fashion. This is why too many sit-ups can lead to a strength imbalance between the iliopsoas and abdominals, as well as poor posture and lower back pain.
Some people who have very strong abs and lower backs may be able to perform conventional sit-ups more safely than others. There are also some safer and more effective ways to perform sit-ups. One is the Janda sit-up. This exercise uses the law of reciprocal inhibition, which means that if one muscle is working, its antagonist (the opposing muscle) must relax.
During a Janda sit-up, instead of holding your feet down, your partner reaches around and holds your calves. As you sit up, you contract your hamstrings and glutes by pulling your calves back against your partner's hands. (You can also press your lower legs back against small dumbbells or a heavy weighted barbell.) When the hamstrings and glutes contract, this shuts off the iliopsoas, making your abs do more of the work.
If I prescribe sit-ups, I simply have my clients do Janda sit-ups. However, Janda sit-ups can be difficult to perform on your own and because of the injury potential from sit-ups in general, and since there are so many other more effective exercises, I have left sit-ups out of this course completely.
It's incredible, but true: You can develop amazing abs without ever doing a single sit-up!
Copyright (c) 2008 Personal Fitness Development
David Grisaffi is a Sports Conditioning Coach and holds multiple certifications including three from the prestigious CHEK Institute. Plus he is also the author of the popular selling e book, "Firm and Flatten Your Abs," which teaches you how to develop a ripped abdominal region. Lean how to shead bodyfat and eliminate low back pain and recieve his free newsletter by visiting:
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10:12 AM
Labels: Abdominals
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
You Too, Can Get More Energy Naturally
By Faye B. Roberts
Do you hit the snooze button on your alarm clock a few times before finally pulling your body out of bed. Do you immediately start the coffee and keep drinking it for hours. Then by mid afternoon, do you want a nap. So many people today are low on energy or physically and mentally exhausted and there are ways that you can get more energy naturally. Low energy comes with living in the twenty first century.
We are all at times looking for a boost in our energy levels, if not daily. But how do you go about getting more physical and mental energy? Is there a way to get more energy naturally? Do you have a need for alternative energy enhancers or are you going to simply do nothing and stay tired..
Well lets look at physical energy which is is direct control of your mental energy. Today's diets, the build up of environmental pollution and the use of prescription medications, alcohol and recreational drugs throw up road blocks in the body's ability to remain energized.
For your energy to be at it's best you need to have all the following in your daily life. You must eat properly and do not eat any processed foods. Processed foods can deplete your energy levels and leave you feeling tired and lethargic. You need to eat a balanced diet containing fruits and vegetables. The plants that have the deepest green color will deliver the most nutrients to get more energy naturally.
You also want to get a good quality sleep each and every night. Try to get at least eight hours of sleep every night. This is the amount you need to start each day feeling fresh and alert. You need to rethink your sleep habits.
Most of us stay up late to cram as much into a day as possible day. A lot of people tend to see sleep as a waste of time and a luxury. If sleep has a low ranking on your priority lists then give it the promotion it deserves.
You also want to use energy. By using energy with lots of movement and exercise your energy levels will then increase. If you do nothing in a day you will have less energy than if you do a lot in a day. You have heard the old saying it takes money to make money, the same applies to body energy.
If you make the above changes in your life you will benefit and the results will be an increase in energy. But many of us simply won't change or can't because of your lifestyle simply can't.
You can still get more energy naturally but taking the right natural supplements to feed your bodies cells the proper nutrition and enhance the hours of sleep you do get,clear some of the brain fog and have enough energy to get you through from morning to nigh
Faye is an home based business entrepreneur who has said no to accelerated aging and yes to get more energy naturally.
Get More Energy Naturally
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7:46 AM
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The Mystery of Life Has Been Solved
By Patty Pinkerton
I'm not talking about the after-life or world hunger or how Barack Obama has gotten this far. It's talking about the age old mystery of why women live longer than men. The national average life expectancy for men is 75 years, but for women it's five years longer at 80.
Many theories have been put forth to try to explain this difference, such as getting more exercise, being more protected, and crying more. Although I'll concede that last one, I personally think that with the increased responsibilities, childbirth, worry and constant hormonal upheaval, women are exposed to much more stress and abuse throughout their life than men.
This stress is evident in the higher incidence of degenerative diseases such as arthritis and osteoporosis, but for some reason women are holding up much better than men in every other way.
So what is that reason? In two words, less iron. Every study know has shown that excess iron significantly increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, heart attack, stroke, diabetes, cancer, neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's, infections, and other problems associated with aging. Every anti-aging practice either inadvertently or purposely reduces the excess iron in your body. But you'll notice I said excess iron, because iron is a two-edged sword. Iron is necessary in red blood cells for the binding if oxygen to carry through your body. Iron deficiency anemia can cause weakness and loss of energy, but contrary to popular knowledge, this is a very rare disease because the dietary practices and lifestyles in this country inevitably lead to an iron excess, which is a much greater danger.
The people most affected are adult men, and women after menopause. Children are usually okay with iron. The increase in blood volume as they grow and develop requires more iron. But when they mature, that highly reactive iron that goes unused starts looking for trouble. Through oxidation, it destroys other compounds and cells. It collects in the liver causing life-threatening damage. It feeds new cancer cells which require up to a thousand times more iron than normal cells.
The reason adult women are at less risk is menstruation, which eliminates a lot of that excess iron. After menopause, however, they lose that protection, And women beware! Several pharmaceutical companies are starting to promote prescription hormones to eliminate menstrual cycles so you can "choose whether or not you want to have a period". I can't begin to express how dangerous this is. I promise you, this is one place you don't want to mess with Mother Nature.
Donate blood two to three times a year. Be a man and get in to the American Red Cross or the United Blood Services when they come through town. It's a noble cause, but here's a secret. It will do you more good than anyone else. It's the best know way to eliminate that excess iron. One study showed that the incidence of cardiovascular disease was reduced by 30 percent among recent donors. If you don't qualify, you could have your physician draw the blood. That's called phlebotomy.
Let me just touch on some dietary hints to help reduce the iron or its effects. First off---you got it---no alcohol. It triples your absorption of iron. Meats are important to your diet, but use small portions and not with every meal. Fruits and vitamin C are great but don't combine them or juice with meat. Do eat plenty of colorful fruits and vegetables The pigments reduce iron toxicity, and the iron in those natural foods Is less absorbable,. Very low calorie diets are helpful. There are very beneficial supplements you can find at your health food store.
Chelating agents, such as turmeric and IP6 actually eliminate iron from you body. Foods that are high in antioxidants and antioxidant supplements such as reservation, vitamin c, and lipoid acid can combat the harmful effects of the iron.
Sam Pinkerton writes for Sam and his wife Patty have been in business for about 10 years selling different product such as wedding gowns, bridesmaids, ect. in the wedding industry. Recently Sam and Patty branched out and started yourwayelectronics selling such items as camcorders, fishfinders, metal detectors, ect.
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7:22 AM
Labels: Less Iron
The Quest for Total Health
By Danielle Vindez
Fitness and health are not the same, but they share some common behaviors. They both include regular exercise, adequate sleep, a nutritious diet, abstaining from substance abuse, an ability to cope with stress, an ability to relax, and, practicing both safety habits and preventative care habits.
The distinction to be made is that health also includes a mental and emotional well-being, not merely the absence of disease or the delay of death. While physical fitness itself will not guarantee a healthy life, it is a vital part of the total healthy person.
Physical fitness typically includes cardiovascular endurance, body composition, flexibility, muscular strength, and muscular endurance. The better our performance in these five components of fitness, the lower our risk of disease and the greater the quality of our life. Depending on your personal goals, and your present fitness and health status, here are some basic healthy behaviors for
Adequate levels of strength - Resistance exercise - 2 to 3 times/week Flexibility -Static stretching - dailyAerobic exercise - Regular, vigorous, large muscle action,3 to 6 times a week Healthy levels of body fat - Balanced caloric intake and expenditure Trunk flexibility and integrity - Abdominal and lower back exercises,coupled with stretches
If you are a beginner to regular exercise see your physician before starting out. Then reflect on taking small measurable steps, in each of the above components. Your goal is to make exercise a part of your life without making it displeasing and de-motivating.
Start your resistance training, (anaerobic), strength training, with two 20-minute sessions. In a gym setting, consider getting the advice of a qualified trainer. At home, search the Internet for information on home-based muscle work exercises, and proper form guidance.
Your aerobic exercise, the exercise for a strong heart and healthy blood vessels, can be 10 to 30 minutes per session, depending on your present ability. Shoot for everyday, and you'll find that if you miss a few days you are still doing yourself good. Use the "talk test" to determine the intensity of your walk, jog, cycling, hiking, rowing, or skating program. If you can talk without taking a breathing break, between each word, you can go for more time and intensity.
If you are a veteran to aerobic exercise, (exercise fueled by the oxygen in your cells), and anaerobic exercise (exercise fueled by molecules in your muscles), then you want to stretch your present limits. Challenge yourself to cross train, or do intervals of greater demand, walk or run faster, go uphill, or in the sand, and add more weight resistance to your muscle work.
Taking a five minute stretch break instead of reaching for a candy bar when faced with a stressful situation not only disassociates your mind from the stress, but it makes your body feel better too. While sitting some muscles are in constant contraction, and this leads to lower back stiffness, shoulder, upper back, and hand discomfort. An object in motion stays in motion, and object at rest stays at rest, so move it or you'll lose it.
Can eating less make you live longer? More and more studies are showing that caloric restriction acts as possible damage control for aging and disease. This is certainly true for regular exercise. Make a promise to yourself this week that you are going to eliminate one nasty food source.
Forget the six pack in the frig and start visualizing six pack abs. Remember dissociation clearly works. Train yourself to relieve your daily stress with a new ritual, one that crunches your abdominals and not your chops. Couple this with a gentle back exercise.
Become your own hero. Take new action on your path to your own health and you will strengthen not only yourself, but also all those you influence.
Danielle Vindez holds the vision of optimal health, conscious eating, proper exercise, and mental balance, for all those seeking to transform their lives. She serves as a role model, a life coach, a personal trainer, and a fellow student in the search for excellence.
She has opened a world-renowned health club, worked at exercise and nutrition clinics, has been active in national research studies, makes presentations on well-being, and facilitates retreat workshops.
Danielle is a graduate of UCLA, and Coach University. She holds certifications from International Coach Federation, American College of Sports Medicine, the National Strength and Conditioning Association, the American Council on Exercise, and the Arthritis Foundation. For more see
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6:18 AM
Labels: Exercise, Fitness, Physical Fitness, Total Health
Monday, January 14, 2008
Managing Your Cholesterol - The Best Way To Prevent Hearth Attacks
By Richard Clement
Cholesterol is one of the most familiar medical words today. Everyone knows "something" about it , but mostly cholesterol is associated in our mind with something "bad" and "unwanted" that happens to old and overweight people.The facts show that about 20 percent of the U.S. population has high blood cholesterol levels.
Actually holesterol is a waxy, fatlike substance (lipid) that your body needs for many important functions, such as producing new cells , some hormones, vitamin D, and the bile acids that help to digest fat. It is present in cell walls or membranes everywhere in the body, including the brain, nerves, muscle, skin, liver, intestines, and heart.
In fact our bodies need cholesterol to function normally, but too much cholesterol can be bad for our health. Why ? Cholesterol and other fats can't dissolve in the blood. They have to be transported to and from the cells by special carriers. Cholesterol travels through your blood attached to a protein. This cholesterol-protein package is called a lipoprotein. Lipoproteins are high density or low density depending on how much protein there is in relation to fat.
Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) is the major cholesterol carrier in the blood. If too much LDL cholesterol circulates in the blood, it can slowly build up in the walls of the arteries feeding the heart and brain. Together with other substances it can form plaque, a thick, hard deposit that can clog those arteries. When the coronary arteries become narrowed or clogged by cholesterol and fat deposits (a process called atherosclerosis) and cannot supply enough blood to the heart, the result is coronary heart disease. If the blood supply to a portion of the heart is completely cut off by total blockage of a coronary artery, the result is a heart attack. This is usually due to a sudden closure from a blood clot forming on top of a previous narrowing. Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol is called "bad" cholesterol because it can cause cholesterol buildup and blockage of your arteries. LDL is mostly fat with only a small amount of protein.
About one-third to one-fourth of blood cholesterol is carried by high-density lipoprotein (HDL). Medical experts think HDL tends to carry cholesterol away from the arteries and back to the liver, where it's passed from the body. Some experts believe HDL removes excess cholesterol from plaques and thus slows their growth. HDL is called "good" cholesterol because it helps prevent cholesterol from building up in your arteries. It is mostly protein with only a small amount of fat.
Since there is good cholesterol and bad cholesterol it is not only necessary to know your cholesterol level ,it is also important to know your levels of LDL and HDL.
The fact is that there are no symptoms of high cholesterol. Your first symptom of high cholesterol could be a heart attack or a stroke. The level of cholesterol can be measured only with a blood test.The results come as three main numbers:
Total Cholesterol LDL HDL The level of LDL should be less than 160.Total cholesterol should be less than 200.The level of HDL should be more than 35.
Most Important: Your LDL level is a good indicator of your risk for heart disease. Lowering LDL is the main aim of treatment if you have high cholesterol. In general, the higher your LDL level, the greater your chance of developing heart disease.
Remember : Regular cholesterol tests are recommended to find out if your cholesterol level is within normal range.
WHAT CAN YOU DO ABOUT YOUR LDL CHOLESTEROL LEVELS?The main cause of high blood cholesterol is eating too much fat, especially saturated fat. Saturated fats are found in animal products, such as meats, milk and other dairy products that are not fat free, butter, and eggs. Some of these foods are also high in cholesterol. Fried fast foods and snack foods often have a lot of fat.
Being overweight and not exercising can make your bad cholesterol go up and your good cholesterol go down. Regular physical activity can help lower LDL (bad) cholesterol and raise HDL (good) cholesterol levels. It also helps you lose weight. You should try to be physically active for 30 minutes on most, if not all, days.
Cigarette smoking damages the walls of your blood vessels, making them likely to have cholesterol rich plaques rupture and have heart attacks. Smoking may also lower your level of HDL cholesterol by as much as 15 percent.
Also, after women go through menopause, their bad cholesterol levels tend to go up. There is also a rare type of inherited high cholesterol that often leads to early heart disease.Some people inherit a condition called familial hypercholesterolemia, which means that very high cholesterol levels run in the family.Other people, especially people for whom diabetes runs in the family, inherit high triglyceride levels. Triglycerides are another type of blood fat that can also push up cholesterol levels. People with high blood triglycerides usually have lower HDL cholesterol and a higher risk of heart attack and stroke. Progesterone, anabolic steroids and male sex hormones (testosterone) also lower HDL cholesterol levels.
So we can make a conclusion that the main therapy is to change your lifestyle. This includes controlling your weight, eating foods low in saturated fat and cholesterol, exercising regularly, not smoking and, in some cases, drinking less alcohol.
But , depending on your risk factors, if healthy eating and exercise don't work after about 6 months to 1 year, your doctor may suggest medicine to lower your cholesterol level.
Now there are very effective medications called "statins",such as Lipitor.
The drug works by helping to clear harmful low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol out of the blood and by limiting the body's ability to form new LDL cholesterol. Each tablet Lipitor includes 20mg Atorvastatin. It is in a class of medications called HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors. It works by slowing the production of cholesterol in the body. Lipitor has shown the ability to halt, not just slow, the potentially fatal buildup of plaque in clogged arteries. While a handful of drugs now available slow the buildup of new plaque, or atherosclerosis, in coronary arteries, no drug on the market has been proven to both stop new build-up and clear existing plaque.
So if you are loosing the battle with LDL levels , you can visit my site, dedicated in the effective medical care, to find the proper treatment for your disease.
Author Bio: Richard Clement is an online publisher dedicated in helping online users getting appropriate and effective medical care. Visit my site for more info.
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8:23 AM
Labels: Cholesterol, Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL)
Treatment for High Blood Pressure
By Diana Statham
Blood pressure is the force of the blood pushing against the walls of the arteries. Each time the heart beats, it pumps blood through the arteries. Your blood pressure is at its highest when the heart beats, forcing blood into the arteries. This is called systolic pressure. When the heart is at rest, between beats, your blood pressure falls. This is the diastolic pressure. Blood pressure is always given as two numbers, the systolic and diastolic pressures. Both are important.
The systolic pressure is the first or top number, and the diastolic pressure is the second or bottom number (for example, 120/80). If your blood pressure is 120/80, you say that it is "120 over 80".
It is important to take steps to keep your blood pressure under control. The treatment goal is to keep blood pressure below 140/90, or even lower for people with other conditions, such as diabetes and kidney disease.
Adopting healthy lifestyle habits is an essential and effective first step in both preventing and controlling high blood pressure. However, if lifestyle changes alone are not effective in keeping your pressure controlled, it may be necessary to take blood pressure medications.
The following types of medications are available to treat high blood pressure:
1. Diuretics: Diuretics are sometimes called water pills because they work in the kidney and flush excess water and sodium from the body, lowering blood pressure.
2. Beta-blockers: Beta-blockers reduce nerve impulses to the heart and blood vessels. This makes the heart beat slower and with less force. As a result of these drugs, the blood pressure drops and the heart works less hard.
3. ACE inhibitors: Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors prevent the formation of a hormone called angiotensin II, which normally causes blood vessels to narrow. The ACE inhibitors cause the vessels to relax and blood pressure goes down.
4. Angiotensin antagonists: Angiotensin antagonists shield blood vessels from angiotensin II. As a result, the vessels become wider and blood pressure goes down.
5. Calcium channel blockers (CCBs): CCBs keep calcium from entering the muscle cells of the heart and blood vessels. This causes the blood vessels to relax and pressure goes down.
6. Alpha-blockers: Alpha-blockers reduce nerve impulses to blood vessels, which allows blood to pass more easily, causing the blood pressure to go down.
7. Alpha-beta-blockers: Alpha-beta-blockers work the same way as alpha-blockers but also slow the heartbeat, as beta-blockers do. As a result of using these drugs, less blood is pumped through the vessels and the blood pressure goes down.
8. Nervous system inhibitors: Nervous system inhibitors relax blood vessels by controlling nerve impulses, and this causes the blood vessels to become wider and the blood pressure to go down.
9. Vasodilators: Vasodilators directly open blood vessels by relaxing the muscles in the vessel walls, causing the blood pressure to go down.
To find out if you have high blood pressure consult your doctor and have a blood pressure test. The test is quick and painless.
To determine which life style changes and medications are appropriate, consult your doctor.
Author Bio: Diana for Guide to Blood Pressure, and high blood pressure.
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8:16 AM
Labels: Blood Pressure, High Blood Pressure
Your First Training Plan for Running
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7:17 AM
Labels: Running, Training Plan
Sunday, January 13, 2008
5 Easy Ways to Live Healthier
By Mary Thayer
These are 5 very easy and basic ways to improve your health in 2008!
1. Eat more fruits and veggies.
You are what you eat so does that make you a Big Mac or a salad? One very simple and inexpensive way to live healthier is to eat at least five servings of fruits and vegetables. Take some time each day to plan how you can eat more fruits and veggies.
There are many labeling tactics out there that call juice or some other non-fruit or vegetable a serving of fruit or vegetables. Try to eat half or all of your five servings of fruits and vegetables in their most natural form: raw. In the winter it can be challenging to eat raw fruits and vegetables so buy the least processed form from the store. Frozen fruits and vegetables usually are picked vine ripened and they have the least amount of processing compared to canned produce.
2. Stop drinking pop.
This really is a no-brainer. Pop has no nutritional value. It has no hydrating power and can actually dehydrate you worse. Pop also contains phosphorus which is known to leach calcium from our bones. This is a hard feat for those that are addicted. Start adding more water into your day. Instead of drinking a can of pop drink 12 ounces of water. You will notice quickly an increase of energy and vitality from the increased amount of water in your diet!
3. Exercise.
Exercise is a common sense approach to a healthier life. Add two and a half hours of exercise a week to your life to improve your health. What is the best way to exercise? This is very individual. If you like to walk, call your friend and get out and walk in the fresh air. Go play actively outside with your kids for thirty minutes. The ideas are endless and so are the benefits from a regular exercise program!
4. Manage your weight.
Managing your weight is easier said than done. Start with small goals. You will notice a change in how your pants fit after losing just five pounds. Small goals add up and begin to equal big goals. Make a commitment this year to lose ten pounds. Ten pounds may not seem like much but if you do this consistently for 5 years you will weigh 50 pounds less! If you are at a healthy weight, work hard to maintain it. Your health depends on it!
5. Modest change.
Research shows that even a modest change can result in measurable improvement in health. These are five ways that anyone can improve their health. Start today living healthier and make it a life long habit!
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Labels: healthy lifestyle, Ways to Improve Health
Find Your Fitness
By Jeff Olah
It's not so much when, where, how or why you exercise that is important. What it all boils down to is that you DO some sort of workout. What I mean is that it's more important that you do SOMETHING to exercise rather than spending all your time and efforts trying to find the "Perfect Workout".
Like most people out there, I have spent way too much time searching and stressing over finding the ideal training program that would build the perfect amount of muscle, while reducing the amount of fat distributed around my physique.
If this sounds like a problem that you may have been faced with, you are definitely not alone. You are bombarded daily from TV ads, radio spots, and from every corner of the Internet with promises of "A Better Body In Minutes A Day".
Now, I'm not saying that you cannot get some decent products from the "As seen on TV" crowd or from purchasing products on the Internet. There are plenty of useful fitness products to be had out there. Once you find a workout you enjoy, I would even encourage you to utilize many of the fitness products you find on TV and on the Internet. Just make sure it's something you enjoy.
What we all need to realize is that if the products or workouts that we purchase are not something we enjoy doing, we are not going to stick with that type of training program very long.
What I have found to be the ultimate road to building YOUR best body is to find an exercise program that has elements you actually like doing. No matter what it is, if you have fun and enjoy it then it becomes less like work and more like play. Like when we were kids.
If you like to run and all you hear is that there is a better and faster way to get in shape, ignore it and just keep doing what you like. If you enjoy going to the gym with your buddies and lifting weights and chatting with them, do it! Only YOU know what YOU like. If you can find something that is fun for you to do and it helps you break a sweat, then that is YOUR perfect workout.
Go out and find what peaks your workout interest and remember, no matter how much the marketing gurus of the world think they know what is best for us, only we can decide to get fit.
Please remember to keep it simple and always stay positive in reaching your goals. Make sure to always consult a licensed physician before taking on any new fitness endeavor.
Lets Stay Fit Forever...
Jeff Olah - #1 Online Fitness Professional From Southern California Fit Dealz
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1:30 PM
Labels: Exercise, Fitness, Ways to Improve Health
Set Healthy Boundaries
By Helene Rothschild
Do you allow others to do and say things to you that do not feel good? Would you like to establish new patterns to deal with the problem?
Everyone needs to set healthy boundaries. This is a gift to others and you. By allowing people to act in ways that are not appropriate, you actually hurt them too because they are stuck in their unhealthy behavior. Therefore, it is important to learn how to establish boundaries for all involved.
Denise's husband was very frustrated at work. Alan would come home and yell at her. At first she yelled back, and Alan got angrier and acted even meaner. Denise stuffed her anger and withdrew. That did not work either because she was miserable, and Alan did not improve. In her counseling session, I encouraged her to set her boundaries for both of their good. Otherwise, she is an enabler or a co-dependent.
The following week, Denise told me that she said to Alan in a calm, firm voice, "I am not willing to live this way." To her surprise, Alan changed his attitude and stopped his negative behavior. In fact, he was his kind self again. I imagine that he heard her and realized that he could no longer get away with his actions without a consequence. I acknowledged Denise for setting healthy boundaries.
Can you relate to Denise's situation? Are you being physically or verbally abused? No one deserves to be the target of other people's pain. No matter what happened in the past, you are a good person and you deserve to be treated with love and respect.
I discovered in the process I developed, HART (Holistic And Rapid Transformation), that clients who allowed others to be abusive to them as adults experienced that behavior from their parents or guardians. Since we make decisions from our experiences, they decided that they must be bad and deserve to be abused. That is not true! The truth is that what people say or do is about them and not you. The truth is that you are okay and a good person no matter what others do or say.
If you feel you deserve to be abused because of guilt feelings, you can forgive yourself and stop punishing yourself. We all make mistakes so that we can learn from them.
Setting healthy boundaries is also a very important parenting skill. Children actually subconsciously want you to stop them from misbehaving. They need you to be a strong, consistent parent and healthy model for them. Telling the child what is acceptable and the consequences of their negative behavior is the way to go. Then if they misbehave, follow that with the logical consequence.
For example, if your son Johnny yells at you, then ask him to speak calmly and respectfully. Of course, that is the way you speak to him to model healthy communication. If he continues to misbehave, then you can set your boundary by saying, "If you yell at me, you will have to go in your room and stay there until you can calmly tell me what you want to say." Be sure to follow through with the logical consequence any time Johnny yells at you.
It is important for parents to prepare their children for life. You may be willing to take their abuse, but it is not likely that their peers, bosses, or teachers will. Also, if you allow abusive behavior, there is a good chance the child will repeat it with their partner and children. It is very important to set healthy boundaries so that your son or daughter can learn acceptable behavior and succeed socially and in school, work, relationships, and parenting.
You may be asking yourself, what are healthy boundaries? These are decided by what feels good emotionally and physically for all involved. For example, taking illegal drugs, drinking alcohol excessively, or smoking cigarettes are not healthy for anyone. Addictions are ways to numb our pain, but we feel it again after the effects of the addiction wears off. If this is your scenario, you can say, "I love you and I am not willing to support your addiction." Then, for example, you can make a suggestion to go for counseling to deal with the causes of the pain which are the causes of the addiction. This is a gift to them and you.
It is important to be strong, and to protect yourself if the abuser refuses to deal with the issues. People who abuse often need to feel scared to lose you if they do not deal with their problems, in order to have the courage to face their pain (the cause of their negative behavior). Tell the abuser calmly what you are willing to do and follow through.
It can be more difficult with siblings, cousins, parents, etc. However it is important to set the same boundaries. Tell them what you want in a loving way. Protect yourself from their projection of their pain. You do not deserve to be anyone's scapegoat.
In the case of friends who you feel are abusive, have the courage to let them go. We all need friends and many people can fill that need. Set your intent to be only with people who are kind, loving, and respectful, and that is what you will attract. These are healthy boundaries. Making excuses for people does not serve anyone.
Be honest with everyone, including yourself. When other peoples' behaviors do not feel good, take a stand. "I love you, and I am only willing to stay in this friendship (or relationship) if we can share mutual respect and kindness," is a nice way to establish healthy boundaries.
Copyright 2007 by Helene Rothschild, MS, MA, MFT, Marriage, Family Therapist. Her newest book is, "ALL YOU NEED IS HART! Create Love, Joy and Abundance~NOW." For her free newsletter, MP3 audio, and ebook, go to: . Note the fantastic limited time special offer:
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12:41 PM
Labels: Healthy Boundaries
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Simple Exercises For Memory Improvement
By James Gunaseelan
One of the most tedious but most effective ways to improve memory is to get a handle on life. Whether it’s your mail that’s in shambles, your sock drawer a mess or your contacts all messed up, you can improve memory by remembering names, numbers, important dates – and of course where you left your keys if you are more organized. Give everything a home. If you want to improve memory where it comes to your belongings, designate a place for everything. It may sound hard at first, but once you have a system in place, it becomes a way of life and you wonder who you ever lived without it. Make duplicate keys in times of emergency and for all other times, designate a key holder near your front door so you can grab –and put back- the keys in the right place every time. Once you are used to doing this, this will be one less area you have to improve memory.
If you need to improve memory as far as paying bills and replying to correspondence is concerned, get a mailing sorting system so as soon as you bring in the mail, you can recycle, shred, file or ‘do’ as soon as possible. If you only have a few things in your ‘do’ or ‘action’ folder, you will not need to rely on improving your memory tactics to remember when the gas bill is due.
Make a memory notebook. This is an 8-by-10 notebook with a calendar that will help you plan the minutiae of your life. Fill it with your to-do lists for the day, week, and month. Your notebook can become a portable filing cabinet for phone numbers, addresses, birthdays, medical information, phone messages, inspirational thoughts, bridge-playing strategies -- you name it. Carry it with you, or carry a small notepad to jot down information that you later transfer into your notebook. The act of writing something down reinforces it in your memory. And make sure to look at your notebook several times a day.
Understand your own style of learning. Most people are visual learners, remembering best what they see. They benefit the most from memory notebooks and signs. Others are auditory learners, remembering best what they hear. They benefit from talking out loud or using a tape recorder. A few people are kinesthetic learners, remembering best what they experience. They will benefit most from writing things down or acting them out. Knowing your strength will help your memory run at peak efficiency. To enhance your memory, try using all three learning modes.
Whether its picture puzzles in books or simple objects in a tray, you can improve memory by practicing remembering what you see. Take a tray and ask someone to put ten different things in it. Study it for 30 seconds and then write down what you saw. Practice until you get a 100 per cent score. If you neither have the time nor the patience for such games, pick up a magazine and then after looking at a picture, try to remember all the details you saw. How many people were there in the picture? What kind of shoes was the woman wearing? Was the car blue or black?
If you are spiritually inclined, memorize favorite parts of your book of faith otherwise try more secular things like all the US states alphabetical, the wives of King Henry VIII, the films starring Al Pacino or any other thing which catches your fancy like lyrics to a song that you like. Anything that keeps your brain on memorizing mode can do wonders for improving memory.
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About The Author: James Gunaseelan Writes on Memory improvement for India's No.1 Contract Job Portal
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10:06 AM
Labels: Exercises For Memory, Memory Improvement
The Biggest Obstacles To Any Full Body Detox
By John Khu
Obstacles are bound to crop up during any full body detox. In order to allow your program to work, you must deal with these right away. There is no point in going through with a natural body detox if you are not willing to cut those things out of your life as they will continue to allow toxins in your system. This is a lifetime process. The following are some obstacles commonly encountered but can be overcomed:
1. Nicotine: If you're a smoker, don't even bother with a body detox program unless you are committed to quit. Besides being deadly, there are hundreds of carcinogens and tons of other chemicals that will hinder your ability to follow a body detox program. Slowly wean yourself off of smoking or go to your doctor for help.
2. Stress: Even if you think you are doing everything right, your whole body detox will never work if you're constantly stressed out. Stress triggers hormones that slow the process, and can keep a full body detox form working. Be sure you deal with stress as soon as it comes up through meditation, exercise or whatever works.
3. UV Rays: Frying on a tanning bed wreaks havoc on any body detox diet, so does spending hours in the sun leaving your skin unprotected. UV damages your body and piles the toxins on. Be sure to wear a sunscreen with an SPF of at least 15, and reapply after a couple of hours in the sun.
4. Not getting enough nutrients in your diet: Certain B-vitamins, beta-carotene, and other nutrients are vital to any body detox diet. Be sure to eat plenty of leafy greens, including seaweed. Bulk up on fiber and eat plenty of brown rice. Take a multivitamin daily. Omega 3s and/or fish oil is also a good thing to add.
5. Ingesting chemicals: A total body detox includes shunning all toxins. Try to eat as many organic foods as possible, keeping away from foods that may have pesticides, BGH, and other chemicals. Try shopping at farmer's market or your local produce stand to avoid paying the higher prices in specialty markets.
6. Staying dehydrated: Eight glasses a day is no longer the recommended amount of water you should drink. Divide by your weight in lbs by two, and drink that many ounces of water daily. Hydration will help you feel refreshed and move those toxins out of your pores.
7. Cut back on prescriptions: While some medications are necessary, cut back on any painkillers or other medications that are not for chronic or life threatening conditions. Some of these medications are actually bad for your liver and will hinder the whole body detox.
Remember that there is no way you can cut all this out at once. Easy does it. Gradually cut back on the harmful things and work in the good stuff. Don't think of this as punishment or some kind of restriction. These are lifestyle changes, an essential to making any body detox program work.
About The Author: John Khu is a health enthusiast and author of a new eBook titled "Body Detox Tips". He is devoted to educate others on the benefit of body detoxification. He is also the owner of the website called which provides complete and up-to-date information.
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10:03 AM
Support A Healthy Digestive System With Discount Vitamins
By Vita Net
The older we get the less we digest. Poor digestion can lead to malabsorption and disease. Restore your body to its younger more function state with Discount vitamins and probiotics.
Discount vitamins can help to support a healthy digestive system, but to explain how they do you first need to know how the system of pipes, tubes and chemical plants that make up the digestive system basically works.
The digestive system is a system of tubes through which your food is passed during the various stages of digestion, and also organs that produce the chemicals needed to break down your food into the nutrients needed by the body. The digestive system begins with the mouth, where the teeth cut and grind the food, and mix it with saliva containing the enzyme amylase that begins the digestive process by converting starch into maltose and dextrin, which are later converted to glucose. Amylase cannot work in the acidity of the stomach, which is why you should chew starchy foods such as bread and potatoes before it is swallowed and passed down the esophagus to the stomach.
The stomach is a natural food processor, containing concentrated hydrochloric acid that breaks the food down into smaller molecules. Once the food has been mixed and processed it passes into the small intestine where the real digestion begins. The liver and pancreas manufacture digestive juices and pass them into the intestine as the food is expelled from the stomach. These juices are mixed with the food, break it downs chemically into nutrients which are then absorbed through the walls of the intestine. The waste is passed into the colon, from which they are later expelled.
While in the stomach, its glands produce not only the stomach acid but also enzymes that break up proteins into smaller compounds including amino acids. The liver produces a number of digestive juices, including bile that dissolves fats and renders them water soluble to be digested by enzymes from the pancreas. The liver also produces enzymes that further breaks down the food in smaller molecules.
The whole process is controlled by the digestive hormones that are generated by the stomach and small intestine, namely secretin, gastrin and CCK (cholecystokinin). These control the release of the various digestive juices and chemicals into the digestive system, and once the food has been broken down the nutrients are absorbed into the bloodstream and transported to the cells of the body where they are needed.
So, starting again from the top, how do discount vitamins and minerals help to support a healthy digestive system? First, we start with the teeth. It is essential for the proper use of food that it is shredded and ground properly before being passed to the body, and that the starches are broken down by the saliva enzyme amylase. The structure of your teeth is dependant on vitamin C and D, and the minerals calcium, phosphorus and magnesium. A deficiency in any of these would result in poor weak teeth, and your food would not be prepared properly for your stomach.
Vitamin B1 keeps your nerves in good working order, without which your appetite could not be regulated. Vitamin B3, or niacin, keeps the digestive tract in a healthy state and functioning properly. Vitamin B9, or folate (folic acid) carries out a similar task, and the B complex vitamins in general, then, keep the digestion process working smoothly and the peristaltic motion that moves the food along, also in good working order.
Manganese and chromium are essential minerals to the digestive system, without which enzyme activity would be limited and without chromium your appetite could not be controlled. Apart from that there is a lot that can go wrong with the digestive system and a good vitamin B complex or Vitamin B1 and B3 supplement, will help to maintain the proper functioning of the system. These vitamins will encourage proper control of the intestinal muscle function, and vitamins C and E will help deal with any inflammation in the bowel, or undue immune system activity. Acidophilus will also help to maintain a good population of healthy bacteria that are essential components of your digestive system. A probiotic supplement taken as instructed should achieve this.
A little considered function of the digestive system, perhaps because it actually takes place in the liver rather than the alimentary canal itself, is the disposal from the body of toxin absorbed by the small intestine. This is the chemical transformation of certain molecules into a form whereby they can be rendered water soluble and expelled in the urine. Substances such as drugs, alcohol, paint fumes and so on are formed into other chemicals that might be even more toxic than the originals for a short time, and since oxidation is used in many of these reactions, free radicals might be formed that can harm the body.
This danger, which is indirectly caused by the digestion of these substances, can be relieved by maintaining a sufficient intake of antioxidants in the form of Vitamins A, C and E to neutralize them. Some liver disease is caused in this way by insufficient vitamin nutrition, and a good discount vitamin supplement can help to prevent it by destroying the free radicals as they are formed.
This detoxification process then proceeds to a phase where the biochemically converted molecules are rendered into the water soluble form so that they can dissolve in the blood and be extracted by the kidneys into the urine. For this, a good supply of the tripeptide glutathione, glycuronic acid and some amino acids is needed. A supplement of these should also help the detoxification process.
Other supplements that can help the digestive system are natural enzymes. These work whether taken on an empty stomach or with food. On an empty stomach, at least two hours after a meal, they will immediately go to work in your blood and improve its condition. Taken with a meal they will help digestion the fats and reduce food waste by improving absorption.
There are many ways in which you can help to maintain a healthy digestive system by the use of discount vitamins, although any problem with your digestive system should be referred to your physician since there are many serious conditions that need expert medical treatment. Vitamins, enzymes, probiotics and other supplements, however, can help to prevent many of these from occurring.
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9:59 AM
Labels: Healthy Digestive System, Vitamins
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Wintertime Physical and Emotional Restoration
By Mary Ann Copson
Winter is a time of moving deep inward. It is a time of conservation, rest, storage and quiet replenishment. When winter comes there is a darkening of skies and a retardation of growth. The cold drives us to huddle in our den and seek our warmth from within. In winter, we move toward greater receptive and introspective energy and slow our outward expansion.
Winter is the time of rest. You may find that you require more sleep, down time and quality rest. In winter, you may need an earlier bedtime and a later wakening time. Because of this pull toward rest, you may also be drawn to mediate, pray, dream or contemplate more deeply to restore your spiritual energy.
Autumn energy drives us downward to our roots where we hibernate through the stormy, housebound times of winter. The darkness of winter pulls us inward calling us to be more receptive to our own needs and the counsel held deep within us.
Seemingly contradictory, the Winter Solstice - the beginning of winter - is actually the harbinger of light. Devoid of outward growth in the dead of winter, every day from the solstice on gets longer.
As we draw deeper into ourselves and mimic this contradictory aspect of winter, we too are in the process of storing, building and generating our own light. The light must first collect internally before it is strong enough to sustain our outward growth and expansion.
To facilitate growth in the newness of spring, winter is the time in which you need to take special care of yourself through nutrition, warmth, and rest.
Winter Correspondences:
Water is the element that corresponds to winter. Water governs the metabolism and controls the bladder. Water is the essential fluid of life through which all things must pass. Water makes up the majority of the human body. Water is the receptive element, the element of the emotions and winter can be a time of deep emotional experiences.
The kidneys and the bladder are the two body organs that deal with the body's water and are associated with winter. They "open to the ears" and the ears are the sense organs associated with winter wellness, as is the sense of hearing and the ability to listen.
The kidneys are seen as being the storage place for our life force. They are the seat of the cycle of transformation and they generate our will and ambition. The kidneys are related to the adrenals, which generate energy, warmth, and sexual and reproductive expression in the body.
The kidney/adrenal connection is the foundation of the body's energy expression - both outward reaching and inward gathering. A healthy, vital kidney/adrenal connection allows for the proper balancing of opposites: calm yet energetic, strong yet nurturing, active yet restful. Disruption in the kidney energy in the body may show up in a number of ways including:
Problems with the bones
Problems with hearing and the ears including ear infections
Problems with the head and the hair including hair loss
Problems with sexuality and libido, reproductive problems and urinary problems
Slow or poor growth of the mind or body
Accelerated aging
Excessive fear or insecurity
A loss of the "sparkle" in the eyes
Fear is the emotion of winter. Like the winter, fear can be deeply rooted internally. When there is poor or weak kidney/adrenal energy, excessive fear, phobias and general anxiety are likely. Restoration and rejuvenation of the kidney/adrenal energy resolves this fear and opens up the pathway to joy and loving expression. Often deep fears and insecurities will not yield to insight and understanding until the kidney/adrenal pathway is restored and strengthened.
The climate is cold and the associated direction is north - the place of wisdom, introspection, intuition, and ancestral guidance. Groaning is the sound of winter and the color of winter is blue and black.
The kidneys influence the storage of the life force in the bones and the bone marrow. "I felt it in my bones" is an indication of a deep and intense intuitive knowledge. Winter is a good time for undergoing restorative bodywork.
The sexual organs and sexuality are also water/winter elements. Either too much sexual activity or too little sexual activity may be related to the health and functioning of the kidney/adrenal complex. Traditionally the predominate energy flow through the bladder occurs between 3-5 PM and through the kidneys between 5-7 PM. During this time, relaxation and rest may be required to stay emotionally centered and receptive. If you have difficulty getting through this time of day you may need to regenerate your kidney/adrenal pathway by including in your diet nourishing winter foods.
Copyright (c) 2008 Mary Ann Copson
Mary Ann Copson is the founder of the Evenstar Mood & Energy Wellness Center for Women. With Master's Degrees in Human Development and Psychology and Counseling, Mary Ann is a Certified Licensed Nutritionist; Certified Holistic Health Practitioner; Brain Chemistry Profile Clinician; and a Health, Wellness and Lifestyle Coach. Reconnect to your physical, emotional, mental, psychological and spiritual natural rhythms at
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10:43 PM
Build Huge Muscles With Water?
By Wesley McDermott
It is recommended many, many times over! Water is the most important nutrient your body needs. It is recommended even if you're not trying to gain muscle and weight. We humans struggle to realize at what point they become a little dehydrated.
To add to this, the thirst quench is achieved long before full rehydration has occured. Other fluids may quench your thirst but this doesn't mean that your bodies rehydrated. Fluids have different amounts of water contained in them and some of them in fact have diuretics in them which in actual fact dehydrate you further.
The body cannot build muscles and run efficiently if it dehydrated, it just can't. Water has several functions in the body and most notably with reference to building muscles is the fact that it is a major component of blood and of the fluids in the muscles and joints. If the body does not have a sufficient supply of water it will suffer in some form. Even slight dehydration can have desastrous effects on your energy levels in the gym and can reduce your strength and stamina.
I personally (Speaking from years of experience) would drink 2 litres of water a day. It it's a training day it can sometimes be even more. During your workout you should be drinking water throughout, half a cup every 15 minutes would be ideal. If you're not doing this now, start. It may seem a little tedious and nuisance at first but within a few weeks you will really notice the difference in your workouts.
Overall, water is an essential element of everyday life and especially when you're trying to build muscle. A lot of medical professionals consider water to be the most important sports nutrient you can have, and I agree completely.
Wesley is a bodybuilding and fitness expert and has been in the industry for over 5 years and has a vast array of knowledge on the subject. Visit his weight training site to find out more tips and tricks on how to gain weight and build muscle naturally and effectively.
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10:36 PM
Labels: Water Build Muscles
Apply the Secret to Your Fitness Goals
By Hema Murty
Everyone is raving about the Secret. Suddenly there is a buy-in to doing it differently. The Secret is the much talked about idea that we must work in cooperation with the universe. We should find out what we really want to do, make a plan and then do it. This is the secret to success.
This theory is not new. It is from Eastern Indian philosophy. There are more details in that philosophy than this one teaching. Many other teachings are combined to form an outlook on life that provides prosperity and productivity. This is the idea behind body-mind-spirit fitness training.
There is generally a lot of confusion on fitness. What works? What is the best workout for the least amount of time? The confusion comes from the fact that there are many answers that are out there in print. So when you go to an internet site to check out the answers, there will be many and some may contradict each other. Unfortunately, the true answer is that they are all right.
What most people miss is that fitness is different for each person. What may be an excellent fitness routine for one person would be completely wrong for another. That is why a personal trainer is extremely important. A personal trainer can assess the individual's needs and fitness level. A trainer can write up the program that is completely for you. This program can take you to the next level in fitness. After about six weeks, you would then need to change your program, because the body gets used to anything quickly. The beauty of the body is that it adapts quickly. At that time, you will stop seeing much of an impact from your workout. You have reached a plateau. In order to get to the next level in your fitness, you would need to make some kind of change. What that change would be has to be determined by an experienced fitness professional. Guessing at your fitness will leave you wasting precious time and getting frustrated.
Where do the teachings of the Secret fit into fitness? Body-mind-spirit fitness training is absolutely necessary. You are not just the body. So why would you just focus on training the body. Your body is a reaction to your mind and spirit as well. You should take all three into account into your training. This principle should serve as a guide when choosing your trainer. Ensure your fitness professional is also in tune with the teachings of body-mind-spirit training. That will take you a long way into your fitness progress.
Your fitness program must include something for your mind and spirit. What that would be depends on the individual. For example, yoga is a training philosophy that can be incorporated into any program at any level. There is a common misconception that yoga is a particular posture or needs to carried out in certain attire. Nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, the word yoga means joined or integrated. What are we joining or integrating? We are joining together the different parts of a human being into an integrated personality that can take on the work in a more efficient way. This is what we are after. Yoga is not one thing. It is many. East Indian philosophy will teach you the details of what yoga can be for each individual. Again, it is completely individual. What is yoga for one person may not be the right path for another. It depends on your mind-spirit complex. A professional body-mind-spirit trainer can than address this aspect of your personality and recommend the right training program for your mind and spirit as well.
The body acts on the mind and the mind acts on the body. Similarly, the mind and spirit act on each other. These three aspects of a human being must be taken into account in order to determine the best fitness program. Yoga and meditation are interlinked. This connection must be correctly understood by your trainer. There are many myths as to what meditation is. Most think it means to sit on the floor and close your eyes thinking about nothing. This is very far from what meditation really is. There are many ways to meditate. Meditation means to measure your mind. You need to understand the makeup of your mind in order to understand yourself. Meditation can be used to accomplish that. A course that takes both yoga and meditation into account along with your physical needs of cardiovascular and resistance training would be the best program for any individual. It is important to make sure your trainer has these components into their thinking philosophy in order for you to obtain the best possible fitness advice.
For the past 20 years Hema has worked with many individuals, including executives at large corporations, to reduce stress, improve general health and workplace productivity. A variety of personal interests and professional paths have led Hema to her current role as a certified personal trainer, yoga instructor and nutrition and wellness specialist. Hema is listed in Who's Who in the World and is an author, lecturer and Can-Fit-Pro certified personal trainer who specializes in body-mind-spirit consulting and training women.
Hema offers keynote speeches, group workshops, and sees clients one-on-one in the Ottawa/Toronto area. Sign up for her free newsletter at
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10:33 PM
Labels: Fitness Goals, Fitness Program
Improve The Environment and Improve Your Health - It's Easier Than You Think
By Barry Lovelace
How often do we hear about global warming? Think about it, I don't think a day goes by that the media is not putting this theory out there in one way or another. There are all kinds of theories on this topic. Regardless of whether or not you believe that there is a problem, hopefully we can agree that it simply makes sense to live less wastefully and conserve resources.
Now, how often do we hear about diet and exercise and their links to our health? Again it is a constant message as people, like me frankly, try to persuade others to take control of their health in a positive way. What is interesting is that these two paramount issues can be worked on together. For instance, take these two facts; the average American does not get enough physical activity in their daily life and the use of cars contributes to the emission of carbon dioxide not to mention the need for oil. Do you see where this is going? Yes, I am going to suggest walking or biking instead of using you car. Now, I know this is not practical in many situations but if you think about it I'll bet there are times when you drive, say to the local drug store or the corner market, when you could walk or ride a bike. I know that in my neighborhood I see people driving to the high school football games when they only live a few blocks from the field, this is a perfect example of an opportunity to get in a little extra activity while letting the car sit. I see people giving their kids a ride to school when they live close enough to have walked and gotten some exercise while spending some nice time together as well.
Another correlation that I would like to address between the problem of the environment and this nations health is the consumption of red meat. We all know that when we eat red meat we are serving ourselves a helping of high cholesterol and artery clogging saturated fat but did you also know that the meat industry is a huge polluter, and that it uses far more energy than crops like fruits and vegetables, not to mention the incredible amount of land that is wasted. Thousands and thousands of acres of grain is grown and used to feed cattle, which we then eat. Think about that. We grow good and healthy grains, which would nourish us healthfully, but instead we feed it to cows and than we harm our health when we consume them. Does this make any sense to anyone?
All along the way the meat industry is nothing but a waste of resources. The land that is used to grow the grain that they eat, the water that is used for those crops, the excrement that comes from all of these millions and millions of cows creates a dangerous and toxic waste problem, the emissions from that excrement creates harmful gasses in our atmosphere. All of this to consume a product that is linked to a much higher rate of cancer and that causes heart disease, the leading killers in our country. When we will wake up?
It is so easy to go through our life and not really think about how small things that we do or take for granted can have an affect on the big picture. We are lucky to live in a time where we have access to the knowledge of how to care for our bodies and our environment. How sad if we don't use it.
There is a better way. We can live healthy and happy lives in harmony with the environment. I'm not suggesting doing without; let's face it, none of wants to live that way. I'm suggesting eating more of a plant based diet and getting some more exercise. Very bacis principles actually, and they both make you feel good to boot!
Barry Lovelace is an internationally recognized personal trainer and fitness coach. Visit his website for more FREE health and fitness tips and the FREE ebook titled "how To Juggle Your Health and Fitness"!
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10:21 PM
Labels: Improving Environment for Health
Top Ten New Year Resolutions For A Healthier You
By Sharon A Bell
At the beginning of each year, people make a list of what they want to achieve for that year. There are many types of New Year resolutions; but in this age, a good list should be focused on your health. So here are the top ten health resolutions for 2008 that can make you healthy and prolong your life.
Increase Your Awareness About Health
Being in the know about many aspects of health can go a long way in your pursuit of a happy and healthy life. Things like ideal weight, important vitamins and minerals, correct posture, right amount of sleep, and proper skin care among other health issues will allow you to prevent or avoid many diseases not only for this year, but for the rest of your life.
Do Regular Exercises
You may have spent a lot of time on your sofa or office chair. So this year, it is time to add more activity to your life, and the best way to stretch your body is through exercise. Studies have repeatedly shown that regular exercise can significantly lower the risk of debilitating diseases like heart ailments, various forms of cancers, and hypertension among others; it also gets you back in shape!
Visit The Doctor And Have Screen Tests
Another year means another increment to your age. As you get older, you need to make it a point to see your doctor and have a medical test every year. Checks must be done for you to know where you stand as to blood pressure, sugar level, cholesterol levels, and other vital aspects of your health. After the New Year fireworks have cleared away, you must remember to set an appointment with your doctor.
Say No To Alcohol
Alcoholism can bring you diseases like hepatitis and cirrhosis. As heavy drinking can damage your liver, you are left with a malfunctioning cleansing system in your body. This will pave the way for the accumulation of toxins and other wastes and lead to the development of other diseases. The perfect timing to put a stop to your drinking habits is during the New Year as it represents a fresh start in your life.
Stop Smoking
Your smoking habit deserves a special mention on your list of New Year resolutions; because it is such a hard habit to break and it runs completely contrary to your health and fitness goals. You can make use of a wide array of products that can help you quit smoking; like nicotine patches and nicotine replacement chewing gums. A smoke-free year is a good start for your overall health.
Watch Your Blood Pressure
High blood pressure has always been compared to a ticking time bomb. With the way that most Americans are living their lives, high blood pressure has become one of the most devastating health conditions around; the worst part is, you never know when it will hit you. This is why you have to put special attention to and maintain an ideal blood pressure.
Start Taking Vitamin And Mineral Supplements
Vitamins and minerals are very important for your health. But the problem is you can not get all these nutrients from the food that you eat everyday. As 2008 ushers in, it is time for you to pop into your mouth all the important pills or supplements that will augment the levels of all the vitamins and minerals that your body needs.
Get Better Sleep
You may not be aware of it, but you are getting less and less sleep as the years go by. And that can really be bad for your health. Despite the hectic daily work schedule or big responsibilities at home, always squeeze in at least eight hours of continuous sleep every night.
Enjoy Life
Having a positive take on life in general is a big step towards attaining a happier and disease-free life. It is no use if you only focus on your physical aspects and you forget about your mental or spiritual well-being. Enjoying your life more despite problems at home or at work will allow you to have a balanced way of life.
Lose Unwanted Pounds
Among all types of New Year resolutions, losing weight has been a mainstay on the list. And this has gained more significance now that over 60% of all Americans are considered obese. Being overweight can bring all sorts of ailments physically and mentally.
Come to think of it, losing weight has all the benefits that all the other resolutions mentioned above can provide. Going for your ideal weight is like hitting the whole nine yards of good health. So, as you start a new year, you might want to set realistic goals and focus on the prospect of shedding all those unwanted pounds.
For your weight loss goals, you can boost all your efforts by using products that can help you burn off extra calories, just like what Zyroxin does. For more information about how to meet your weight goals, visit
Sharon Bell is an avid health and fitness enthusiast and published author. Many of her insightful articles can be found at the premiere online news magazine
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9:18 PM
Labels: New Year Resolutions for Health
Lazy Ways to Improve Your Health
By Beth J. Mann
I spoke with a friend today who told me he was going to start working out...again. He belonged to a gym several years ago and slowly "fell of the wagon" as his busy life schedule took precedence.
Personally, I don't think gyms work for the average person. They work for a select few. But what if you're not that "gym" type? Or you're that type...sometimes. Well, I've developed the "lazy man/woman's approach" to better health with just your kind in mind!
Change Your Attitude: The first item on my Lazy Person's Approach to Good Health? Change your views on working out. Stop thinking that it's about having flat abs or tight buns or even losing weight. Start thinking in terms of your mental health instead. Exercising and eating well make you feel better. And since we're creatures who naturally gravitate toward pleasure, it's an easier state of mind to maintain. Focus on improving your mental health so there's not as much room for failure or body image perfectionism.
Walking: It's available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It's right outside your door. The only gear that's needed is good sneakers (very important - spend the extra bucks for a good pair and replace when that cushy, airy feeling goes away). Walking is beneficial to your body and mind in as little as 15 minutes. If you can sneak in a minute or two of running strides, you improve the benefits that much more.
Cold outside and don't want to deal? Bundle up. A good hat is one of most important items to keep you warm. If you are insulated properly, going out in the cold actually feels good. Besides, walks are quite magical and transformative. Your mind clears, your thoughts define and solutions to problems suddenly appear. Again, it doesn't have to be a long walk. Remember, this is the lazy approach to good health!
Water: Water. Water. Water. Did I say water? Now, let me tell you right off the bat that I'm not a big fan of bottled water. Well, I'm a fan of the water itself, just not the containers that are becoming an increasing environmental nuisance. This is quite a hot topic but I'll tell you my take:
Purchase several filtered pitchers and put them throughout your home for easy access - clean pitchers and replace filters often. Or if you have the bucks, buy a filtration unit for your sink. I do use SOME water bottles but I tend to reuse them for several weeks and rinse them out with cool water. Some people are concerned with plastic "leeching" into the water after repeated use. Hence why I don't use my water bottles indefinitely.
Okay, now that we've addressed the political ramifications of water, you may want to know how water helps the lazy person's overall health? The question is: how doesn't it help? It's cleansing, it hydrates your system and there's even talk about it improving mental health (which is my first priority, remember?) It also makes you LOOK good: your skin and eyes, etc. If you're not a natural water drinker, add a squeeze of lemon or lime or honey.
Stretching: What's next on our lazy list of life lessons? I know, I know - most horizontally-prone people have a definite resistance to this but it's an accessible and quick way to feel more "in your body." Picture this: you're in front of the TV, eating popcorn (a healthier snack alternative when homemade). Simply slide off the couch and continue watching your program - but this time, with your legs in front of you. Stretch and reach for your toes. Hold for 15 seconds and breathe. Then spread your legs - reach toward your television as if to hug it. Then gently arch over your right leg than your left. Easy, right? Continue with some spinal twists (nothing complicated, just rotate your back as if to look behind you - where the TV isn't!) You can also make up your own stretches. Your body naturally knows how to stretch.
Fresh Foods: Include more raw foods in your meals. Now, I'm not asking you to change your diet around but most people tend to like SOME fruits and vegetables. There is nothing, absolutely nothing, that your body likes more than raw fruits and vegetables. Blend them, steam or cook them lightly if you have to, but consume them. Every day.
The Breath of Life: Our bodies in this day and age are in an almost constant state of tension. Breathing oxygenizes your entire system, thereby keeping it healthier and more relaxed. And you can do this at your computer or your couch! Inhale deeply and exhale slowly. Do this for 5 minutes. You'll be amazed how differently you can feel. And it actually improves your health.
So that's it, fellow lazy folk. You don't have to change your life around to have a stronger, healthier body and a more alert and content mind. These are small and easy changes you can enact today - and some of them in front of your television!
Beth Mann lives at the Jersey shore and writes, patiently awaiting warmer weather and surfing.
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9:12 PM
Labels: Ways to Improve Health
Is Your Water Making You Sick
By Lesa Bolt
Did you know that people in the United States get sick each and every year from water they drink from their faucet.
Yes, tap water makes roughly 7 million people sick every year, yet no one really thinks about that when a family member is ill. They just feel they contacted a virus from another person. However, you may need to look at your own kitchen faucet the next time you have an intestinal disorder or a stomach ailment.
Contaminated drinking water that we get everyday through our homes has made us ill. This is because the water companies cannot trap viruses and bacteria and they leech out into the water systems and we pay for that liquid.
The quickest way to remove just the drinking portion of your water is to get a faucet filter. You can find these almost anywhere now and they can be hooked up within 5 minutes time to your faucet. You simply unscrew the strainer on your faucet opening and attach this equipment. You will have the choice to use the filter or turn it off depending on the brand you purchase by either flipping the whole unit up or down or by turning a button on the side of the filter.
Another source to simply create good drinking water is to acquire a pitcher. Many well known companies such as Brita, PUR, Aquasana and more make these pitchers. You simple pour water from your tap into the container top and it will filter down into clean water you can then drink.
These sometimes take 30 minutes to filter through the water so do not plan on drinking the water very quickly.
The cost savings of getting a water filter will pay for itself when you do not have to run to the local drugstore to purchase medicine because you or a family member is ill and needs something to ease their discomfort.
Another benefit of filtering out viruses and bacteria especially in the winter months is the taste. You will definitely notice a better and cleaner taste in the water you drink. You may even refuse to have the old water ever again.
Get more information on drinking water filters and affordable water filters at
Lesa Bolt is a contributor to
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8:57 PM
Labels: Drinking Water, Water Filter
A New Year Equals A New Me
By Catherine Harvey
I'm now celebrating a whole six months since I gave up smoking. I was approaching 40 and strongly resisting the pleading of my family to grow up, take responsibility and look after myself.
After a particularly bad bout of flu last year, I took a long hard look in the mirror and saw a 55 year old man looking back at me. I was feeling and looking old and there and then determined to do something about it for the sake of seeing any future grandchildren I might be blessed with.
I gave up smoking that day and, despite the hard days when the cravings threatened to get the better of me, I feel like I have beaten it. My family tell me I look better, younger even, food tastes fantastic and apparently I smell better too.
However, there is one problem. Do you remember those sweets we used to have when we were young? Shaped like bananas, supposedly tasting like bananas, with all sorts of scary food colourings that would bring the brigade of mothers against additives out in force. I have become addicted to these beyond reason and have been known to drive miles at night looking for an outlet that sells them.
It all adds up. And it has. It has all added up to an extra 6 inches around the stomach area. A dangerous place to collect fat I am told, due to its proximity to the heart.
So, what to do? My family brought me a heart rate monitor for Christmas this year. I was hoping for an iPhone, one of those snazzy remote control helicopters from the big boy's toy shop or maybe even a lifetime's supply of banana sweets but I got a heart rate monitor. Wahey!
I know they mean well, really I should be flattered that they want me around so much longer. So, I cave in to pressure and aim to improve my health, lose this bulk and get fit. Not sure about the heart rate monitor - have consigned that to my bed side drawer for the time being.
Unsure that I can unleash my body on the general public just yet, I decide to try various home exercise DVD's. I begin with one that promises to gently warm me up, then tighten all muscle groups and burn fat in a routine decided by myself, followed by a cool down.
I start with the warm up and have to move straight on to the cool down. Gently does it I tell myself, no point in straining anything. On my second session with the DVD, I attempt some of the fat burning routines. Does the effort taken clearing up the smashed lampshade count as work out time? After kicking a passing child, which resulted in a black eye and a visit to casualty, I decided this was not a suitable DVD for home use.
Having read all the bumpf surrounding the benefits of Yoga, I think this sounds more me. Much more gentle and controlled, and hey, if women can do it, it must be easy.
A week later, I'm at home with just the dog for company and decide to give the Yoga a try. Tied into a knot, my backs given out and I can't move. This is when the dog decides to get over familiar and mistakes the mild weather for spring mating season. I bet the heart rate monitor wouldn't have an option for dealing with this one!
I have to face it and get out into the fresh air to get a grip on this exercise lark. On my first trip out speed walking my wife begs me to take my heart rate monitor and I give in. As if I don't feel stupid enough in my Lycra shorts I have to sear this on my wrist too. At least it looks similar to a watch.
I've had a quick tutorial in how to use the monitor and take the occasional glance to see I'm within optimum range. It's during one of these checks that I speed walk straight onto a patch of ice and go head over heels onto my back! Now the monitors working overtime.
A passer by calls for an ambulance, I am loaded in and carted off to hospital for a check. The paramedic is more interested in what I'm wearing on my wrist and spends the whole trip extolling the virtues of heart rate monitors. After a thorough check up at the hospital, I am declared free to go with a programme for fixing my back and the advice to get fit. What do they think I was trying to do?
I get home, recline on the sofa to rest my back and study this heart rate monitor. At last, it is of some use to me. It tells me I am now, at last, relaxed at my optimum relaxation rate for minimum stress.
About the Author: Health expert Catherine Harvey looks at the use of a heart rate monitor in the quest for good health. To find out more please visit
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8:50 PM
Labels: Exercise, Fitness, healthy lifestyle
What Are The Causes Of Snoring?
By James Butscher
Snoring is basically making unpleasing noises at night times during sleeping which is caused due to obstruction of the free flow in the air we breathe. The obstruction is caused in the passage, which is at the back of the mouth and the nose, which ultimately does not allow the proper flow of the air during breathing. The area where the flow of the air is not proper is the collapsible part of the airway where the upper throat and the tongue meet the uvula and the soft plate. Due to snoring these structures strike against each other, which results in vibrations.
Snoring cannot be taken as a light problem it is a very serious problem. Snoring causes many disorders, it affects the women during the pregnancy, it also causes sleepless nights and a person becomes very uncomfortable. Snoring also causes problems like sleep apnea.
Some of the causes of snoring are mentioned below :Structural cause: Snoring may be caused due to problems like narrow jaws, having large tongue, enlarged tonsils, adenoids which are enlarged, thick soft palate, crooked septum or even small nasals. Snoring is caused due to the tongue and the upper throat meet the uvula and the soft palate resulting in blockage of the air we breathe.
Outside causes: it includes all the factors, which affect the individual externally, however these are controllable. These factors include Allergies, consumption of alcohol, sedatives, and excessive and regular smoking, disruption of the normal sleep patterns, decrease in the lung capacities and irregular lifestyle. However, there are remedies available, dental implants are available, drug and natural remedies are also available.
Sleep Apnea: When Snoring in a loud tone is broken up by frequent episodes, which totally obstruct the breathing, this kind of obstruction is known as Sleep Apnea. Some of the recorded serious episodes have lasted for hen seconds and these episodes occur more than seven times per hour. The people who are affected with Apnea experience such episodes 30 to 300 per nights. These episodes are very threat full for the individuals, these episodes create disorders, elevated blood pressures and even enlargement of heart may occur.
Muscle tine of the tongue: The muscle of the tongue and the soft palate tends to reduce during sleeping. These muscles of the tongue become more relaxed and which finally results in their collapse. This is a major cause, which contributes to snoring. The soft tissues like the tonsils and tongue, which produces sounds, that change as well as affect the quality of snoring. Snoring is also affected by the position of sleeping. When your laying on the back your tongue falls towards the throat and results in the blockage of the airway this too contributes to snoring.
Blockage of airway: Blocking of the airway results in obstruction, which ultimately leads to snoring. In children primary cause of snoring is enlargement of tonsils and adenoids.
Age and other factors: Age is also one of the factors, which contributes to snoring. In old age the muscles become weaker which results in more amount of snoring.
About the Author: James Butscher decided he was going to figure out what causes snoring and what he could do to stop it and here is what hedisvocered. Find out about how to stop snoring.
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8:36 PM
Labels: Causes Of Snoring